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Eins og øll onnur fakøki, krevur altjóða samskifti og marknaðarføring relevantar kvalifikatiónir og royndir.

Eg havi í fleiri ár arbeitt burturav við samskifti og marknaðarføring uttanlands, serliga í Onglandi. 

Hetta, umframt tvær útbúgvingar frá góðum universitetum í Bretlandi, hevur givið mær eitt umfatandi innlit í málið, mentanina og miðlalandslagið í Bretlandi og øðrum enskttalandi londum.

Eg havi eisini hollan kunnleika til føroyskt mál, mentan og miðlar, og tí haldi eg meg vera væl egnaðan til at byggja brýr millum hesi mál, mentanir og hugsanarhættir.

Dann Vinther, Journalistur/redaktør/

PR ráðgevi.

"I am sure more than half of the native population of the UK would have problems being as accurate as Dann in the use of their own language.

It is obvious that language, and English in particular, is something Dann has an unusual talent for."


– Julian McLeod,

Regional co-ordinator, Newsquest Media Group.

"Dann's greatest strengths were his language skills, strong sense of quality, and his never-failing ambition to make sure that whatever passed through his hands would meet international publishing standards. This – and Dann's rock-solid reliability – has made him a valued member of our team."

– Vibeke Hjortlund,


Daily Echo


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